Tuesday 30 March 2010

..were u ' jealous '...

O wicked creature of gossamer wing
sashaying by that night i heard you sing
you tiny monster how cunningly did you fly
that night i saw the murderous,bloodthirsty look in your eye
when the sun was in love with another part of the world
thats when Bam Stoker's  'dracula' in you grew bold
that night i had an angel by my side
were u ' jealous '..i ask??... why in a group you all allied
you bit her many times when the lights were out
marring our world..turning into 'hell' our night out
as you clawed your needle into her,you heartless 'bitch'
you left behind memories in the form of endless itch
you could have bit me 'bitch'!!!
sucked my blood till you did quench your thirst
and stopped that gory adventure for she was my guest
your body swole with her innocent blood, you no more looked lanky
i wished i were a 'witch'..could have turned you into a donkey
my focusing palm,how i wish your 'life' i could get
but her besides me,you were lucky,i was tied in the cobweb of her net
O mosquito!!!..there's a hell lot to complain
that night i thought of poisoning your brain
i promise..i will get back to you  in the twilight sky
every drop of blood of yours ,i will drink till it runs dry
that night will be the night when upon 'you' i will predate
with your blood my 'wounded' soul i ll sedate


  1. ..u ll never stop coining me new names bro..hahaha. ;)
    .anyways thanks fr ur comment shera..

  2. an outstanding and smashing poem
    i can feel ur anger and hatred for those mosquitoes

  3. ..thank u so much angmo fr ur comment..
    ..dos machhars made my life a misery dat particular night..i still hold a grudge against dem..specially against d female ones..coz dey r d ones tht r blood suckin...i l call dem d tiny winged vampires...hehehehe ;)

  4. gosh.... dat was a real trauma...
    da stingers must b real jealous... but i gotta admit da perfection of da avenge in da best of ur words....
    now i luk 4ward 4 ur encounter wid da vampires...
    nice job..

  5. ..yea..dats wht i think..damn freakin jealous..
    ..dats d only way i cud ve avenged..hehehe..
    ..dos tiny devils still owe me sumthin..dats der ' life '...hahaha...
    ..well..i ll ve to master vampire wars..to prepare myself fr vampires...hehehe...
    ..thanks fr ur comment.. :)

  6. thn dat leaves u wid load of practise.... vampire war is cruel n crude... hehehe..

  7. ..am ready to prepare...be it crude,cruel or gross...hehe

  8. so now i can vicualise da napoleon in da armour... go 4 it..

  9. ...dat night i really felt like arming myself to d teeth like napolean..n slay those tiny little flyin devils...dey wr worse den d blood suckin vampires we get to see in movies...

  10. kudos to d machars...fr gettin d marvelous peom out in d limelight...:)...
    great job...: )

  11. ..thanks doc..thanks fr d encouragin comments.. ;)

  12. hilarious!!! totally entertaining...my fav line is in which u desire to b a witch n turn them into a donkey.....dats funny....m in luv wd ur writings....

  13. ..hahaha!!..realy felt like havin d powers of a witch n turnin dos monsters into braying donkeys..
    ..thanks fr sayin tht u in luv wid my writings..dat was very very sweet...
    ..d biggest compliment till nw..hehehe ;)

  14. heya the machars must be hungry na...
    dey also need yummy food like us:) so dont be angry n donate ur precious blood :) ull surely get a place in heaven :) :p

  15. ..am skinny maggie..i wudnt want dos devils to drink my blood ..hehehe.. ;)
    ..i do complain coz dat night dey wr really in a mood of war...armies of dem..hehehe..
    ..i dont kno abt me..but u surely do own a place in heaven..hehehe..
    ..thanks fr ur comment.. ;) :)

  16. yeah bro dey wr really big blood suckers.... i aint gona 4get dose m....r f ....rs

  17. ..yea bro..thirsty blood suckers..
    ..but dey wudnt come fr u..coz dey cudnt see u in d dark...hahahaha..coz u r our very own ' mama nigga '..hahahaha.. ;) :)
    ..thanks fr ur comment bro..

  18. those mosquitoes brought out the best in u.
    the fury with u have written has left me speechless.it was very intense.
    keep it up!

  19. ..thank u fr ur comment dechen..
    ..thnks fr d compliment... ;)

  20. hahaha...nycc..though its a warning of death 4 d poor mosquitoes but still its funny....
    nd amazingly written!!!

  21. ..dat nyt..der was a hostel fest out here in jnu..so had a frn..but she became a feast fr dos mosquitoes..dey wr nt biting me..but her all d time...i stood der helpless boiling wid anger....so thought of evoking my anger out here....
    ..though am still to drink der blood..
    ..coming winters..its fest time..
    ..n my feast time...coz am smear my forehead wid der blood...
    ..kill bill part 2 revisited..hehehe :)

  22. hahaha......a feast on fest day..;)
    plz dont take ur grl along dis tym..ur feasting vl luk gross...:D

  23. ..hahaha!!...ya a 'blood' feast on fest day..will ve to wait till winter sets in..
    ...dat ll b d time fr REVENGE..hehehe :) ;)

  24. very witty piece of writing...
    loved the whole concept of jealousy here.
    I share the same feeling :D

    Awesome work riggs !!!

  25. was the bitch jealous...? or were you being over protective ;)
    nicely done... and post smthng fresh soon

  26. Very good, I hate those little monsters as well. I love the way you wrote....

  27. Perfect! My husband always says that Noah made a big mistake when he took two of those. LOL!

  28. Lol...ths ws indeed v humrous riggs...:P

    Well done


  29. Hello.
    Those blood-sucking blighters...no one likes them.
    Nice piece of witty writing.
    Thanks for sharing.

    For ref:
    Thoughts Of Beauty In The Stillness Of Dawn

  30. witty and chic!

  31. A good one!


  32. I appreciate the way u are able make daily objects and incidents into such awesome poetry!

  33. A reservoir of awesome words carefully chosen to reinforce the powerful feelings and meanings behind this thought provoking write! No doubt, you have excellent imagination and creativity! Thanks for sharing and keep it up my dear poet friend! God Bless You and forgive me for my lateness in responding to your honorable request!
    Romeo-New York City http: //www.romeodellavalle.com


  34. Jealous????? maybe or may not be???? HeHeHe!!! Humorous!!! at the same time can make out the love for your "guest".. At least you were tied in the cobweb of her net in her web...;P Actually even i have grudge on them... Hehe!!
    Good Luck for revenge!!!


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