Monday 9 August 2010

.. the beast awakens...

..water kept on pourin down..
..the heavens opened up creating in a  sense of fear..
..the streams swole,banks overflowed,day turned into night..
..but still the rain poured like a hose..
. then black pregnant clouds did burst...
...growling...splitting the earth.. water came a mood to slaughter..
....everyone in the sleepy villages felt the tremor..
..setting everyone's heartbeat into a pulsating race...
..the sound was a beast  awoken frm his sleep..
....people fled for the hills.. running from nature's onslaught..
.. the sight was unimaginable...horrific..gory..macabre.. a monster..weedy murk came around swallowing everythin on its way..
..sweeping stubborn layers of noxious debris...
..with sheets of muddy water encapsulating low land..
..uprooting trees from the deep recesses of ground..
..sparing none..submergin all visible land...
..shrieks,wails,shouts,screams everywhere..followed by a deafening silence...
...the dead lay scattered all around..buried under the rubble..
...hundreds of dreams lay 'dead'....crushed to death amidst the roar..
... the rain still continued with unrelenting fury..
..though the dead could not shout  anymore.. still growled,roared n blooded for more...

..rising above the turmoil..the people still stood united..
.mothers,fathers,sons,daughters..stood..hand in hand..
...water licked their knees..tears welled their eyes...
..but they  made a pledge..not to be rebuild.. be strong n never submit to that blood thirsty beast.. 🥴😏


  1. well described...
    really traumatised hea cz of the devastation....

  2. ..whatever happened in leh was very makes us very sad to think wht ppl r goin thru over der..who lost der loved ones.. warmin is d main culprit.. warmin is d reason fr d formation of dos type of clouds which can create havoc in a terrain like ours...
    ..we ve to b ready fr more..coz in d comin yrs..its goin to rain more in leh..dats wht scientists have predicted..
    ..ours ..has always been a nomadic society..d change frm nomadic to agrarian society has been d main reason fr d cloudburst of dis scale happenin in ladakh..
    ..knee jerk reactions needs to b taken..otherwise we r headin fr our doom...

  3. yeah thats true... we are first ones to be affected cz of global warming....
    just hopin fr things to get normalised.....soon....

  4. ..yea..u r very rite..
    ..d frst victims of global warming..
    ..der is a rumor goin on of china using some chemicals fr rain harvesting.coz of dat der was cloudburst in leh ..dat is all crap..
    ..our 'ignorance' over d last 50 years..abt d climate change in our d reason fr all dat gory sight of death n destruction in our place..
    ..dis is sumthin which worries nt only d ladakhi ppl..but over..
    ..we all need to do sumthin to stop dis global warming..otherwise day is nt far wen mankind ll near its end...

  5. i knw even i heard that,,,,bt den just few days vk china itself witnessed a massive mudslide and thousands hv been rendered homeless as in ladakh....d chinese climate war n the UFO things are all fake...its yeah as u say our ignorance tht sometimes we get entertained by such gossips n waste time.....
    we shud look fr soln oderwise d day is nt far this earth vl vanish...
    its now fr sure that the himalayan regions will be witnessin such devastations in future frequently if they dnt pay any heed to such situations like the floods n cloudbrust....

  6. ..derr al kinds of gossips n rumours goin on wenever a tragedy strikes..we shud pay no heed to it..instead luk fr ways to prevent such disasters in d future..
    ..d himalayan region has been warmin three times as fast as d world average..dats y china,pakistan n ladakkh had to bear d brunt of mother nature..a day ll come wen all d glaciers ll melt away..n our place ll b no more den a desert..
    ..our politicians shud luk into d enormity of d danger dat we as humans face in d near future..n study d steep change in d weather patterns n luk fr ways to lessen dem...but dey r busy fightin among demselves...always lukin fr political oppurtunism..n warming up der pockets(a fine example is d commonwealth games which has turned into a mess)..n makin merry wid d public money..
    ..dey all r our own modern day NERO'S..
    ..haven t u heard d phrase..while rome was burnin..nero was sleepin.. its time to wake des modern day nero's frm der deeeeep slumber...

  7. hope ladakh returns back to be d same beautiful n enchanting ladakh.
    hope dat everyone comes out dis tragedy n smile again

  8. ..hope so angmo..hope dat everythin get backs being normal..n hope dat ladakh basks back again in its natural beauty..
    ..n every one comes out of dis disaster..n smile d way dey used to once.. :)

  9. hmm..very intense...its frightening evn to imagine dis one...m sure dis was d scene..:'(
    nd i read ur post..i think i'll differ frm ur warming is not d main culprit, its us, d so called "educated" fools...who have been d main criminals...
    v,d ignorant morons r responsible....jus see the over crowded roads in cities dese days, u'll get wat m trying to say...:@

  10. ..thank u amandeep fr ur comment..
    ..u r very true..its our so called educated ppl playing 'ignorant' to whtever was goin on over d last many many yrs...may b bcoz of d u put it..
    ..kno sum places in ladakh ppl have diverted d course of d river..puttin on dat dey can build houses on dat piece of land..just think..hw dangerous dat can d time of a flood..its ppl greed dat is puttin dem in dangerous situations...
    ..but i wud also say...dat over d last 50 yrs..der has been three percent increase on d temp over der in ladakh..due to dat..der is danger of all d glaciers melting..if it keeps on increasin at such a somethin shud b as to check it..otherwise ladakh ll meet d same fate as sahara desert....
    ...due to global ladakh our hills r becomin green..
    ..otherwise barren n cold..dis greenery around ladakh cud turn lethal./...
    ..u kno...greenery around choglamsar was responsible fr d formation of dos type of clouds in which cloud burst i wud warmin has played a part also...

  11. u put it..crowdin of leh city has also been a reason fr so many casualities..
    ..der is no proper more n more ppl frm rural areas r migrating into d into leh..der has been immense urbanisation widout plannin proved fatal..ppl made mud houses in areas..dat wr prone to mudslides n example is d skampari area,neymoling n choglamsar..des places very congested n overcrowded..n ve been built on barren grounds..dat r inclined..dat can prove deadly in case of floods..givin it d maximum momentum n speed..n falls just below d mouth of gorges..which can show floods like des d way towards crowded cities..d need on d hour is to have well planned tht in case of God venting His wrath...casualties r d minimum..

  12. u put it..crowdin of leh city has also been a reason fr so many casualities..
    ..der is no proper more n more ppl frm rural areas r migrating into leh..der has been immense urbanisation widout plannin proved fatal..ppl made mud houses in areas..dat wr prone to mudslides n example is d skampari area,neymoling n choglamsar..des places very congested n overcrowded..n ve been built on barren grounds..dat r inclined..dat can prove deadly in case of floods..givin it d maximum momentum n speed..n falls just below d mouth of gorges..which can show floods like des d way towards crowded cities..d need on d hour is to have well planned tht in case of God venting His wrath...casualties r d minimum..

  13. heyu r absolutely IS global warming, but wat i was saying dat d CAUSE behind global warming is the increasing population (cuz dey r increasing pollution of air, soil,environment, etc along wid use of machines emitting harmful effluents nd rays which are causing depletion of ozone layer....nw dis depletion is causing increase in temperature of our mother earth hus causing global warming )...
    ..hence it all boils down to increasing population..:)
    sorry 4 dis biigg lecture on environment..:)..but cudnt resist :D
    nd u kno wat der was one thing i didnt lyk in leh at all..nd dat was.. the pollution being emitted by the local taxi's their. i think dey dont keep d pollution check of their vehicles..
    i think the momentum at which d tourism is flourishing there is in equilibrium wid the carelessness of the ppl who are concentrating only on money making...nd dats really sad...

  14. ..i agree wid every word of urs amandeep..
    ..tourism in our place has been a money minting machine..its been our backbone... had provided livelihood to thousands of ppl der..ders has been large tourist influx over d last decade...before we only used to see foreign tourists..nw we get to see lot of indian tourists also...
    ..but wid tourism comes a banality..dat is pollution...dats wer everyone played ' blind '....some of des so called tourists ve been goin on a polluting spree in ladakh over decades..but no one paid heed to it...coz in d greed of earnin more n more money dey forgot everything...
    ... wid loans being available easily des days..almost everyone is havin his own vehicle der...we get to lots of vehicles on d roads of ladakh ..dat was nt d case few yrs back...n des ppl flout all d rules..coz der is no one to check...dats y u saw so much of smoke being emitted by local taxi's as well as local cars over..we need to keep a tab on dis...but no one was bothered till 5th of aug happened...
    ..hey!!!..i never get bored readin lectures on environment..dat was a very healthy conversation..n i wud luv if u omit out more frm ur side..hehehehe

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  16. Cool, there is actually some good points on here some of my readers will maybe find this relevant, will send a link, many thanks.

  17. ..thanks fr ur comment anonymous...

  18. i think its time to start livin life more in moments rather den in years...

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