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...who is a POET??...he is...but a dethroned king sitting among the ashes of his palace trying to fashion an image out of the ashes...
..he is the poorest of the poor..yet he carries an oasis in his heart cultivated by the caravan of his thinking...he is a pauper..but he still pretends to be a ' prince ' in the kingdom of his vivid imagination..
..he only sings when he is starving for he cannot sing if his mouth be filled with food...
..he only raises his hand to beg for he cannot raise his hands if it be filled with gold...
..his wealth is his winged imagination and fictive power to think...and ' thinking ' always acts for him as the stumbling stone to ' poetry '... :) ;)
..he is a tree watered by the river of beautiful thoughts..and carries in his heart a lamp unconquered by darkness..
..yes..he seeks NIRVANA..not by counting coins of gold..but in leading his sheep to greener seeking a smile from putting his child to sleep..and in writing the last line of his poem... :)

...he will be unheard until humans honor the dead and forget the living..for then only upon his ' death '... ' he ' will rule their hearts...and his kingdom will have no ending... :) :) ;)

Monday, 5 April 2010

.. captive imagination.. :)

 they can put out the lamps
   where the lovers meet
but they cannot blind the moon

In jail writes Marxist poet and activist Varavara Rao,
waiting becomes a habit that slowly turns into addictiontime can draw out endlessly,a gaping maw,seconds stretch into minutes and minutes into hours,the hours move so slowly,you might almost watch them walk by.
In the movie  'Shawshank Redemption' Morgan Freeman plays the role of a lifer, he says that in confinement one gets ample lot of time to think the unthinkable,that is why prison writing is such a formidable genre..
There are stories of prisoners getting caught while writing and their work being confiscated and burnt but nothing stops them ,they are ready to start from scratch from the very next day.
Every prisoner has two things which no warden can confiscate,
that is ' memory ' and 'imagination  '...
Memory is double-edged,it can hurt or soothe, imagination too is schizophrenic,it can create 'invisible fears' or the ' fruits of creativity '..
Cevantes  'Don Quixote', John Bunyan's ' the Pilgrims Progress', Jean Gebet's 'Our Lady of Flowers', Hitler's 'Mein Kemph' were all written in confinement. Australian convict Gregory David Roberts blend of fact n fiction 'Shantaram' sold millions of copies, parts of Nehru's books were also written in confinement.
Captivity creates its own 'imagination'.
Their movements restricted ,prisoners often look at their surroundings with a ' magnifying glass ', revelling into the ' extra-ordinariness ' of everyday things.
Says Rao that pigeons in the prison reminded him not of forgotten people but of the bonds that must be forgotten,not of past lives,but of the past trapped in the present.In jail prisoners wrote of ants,of trees shedding every over leaf before being replaced by millions shoots one glorious morning.
Prison can do many things, it cannot shackle the vagabond heart . ;)

'they'... out here in the beginning is referred to the warden,'lovers' the writer n his work,n 'moon'... is his imagination ;)


Anonymous said...

that was very true...:)
i feel every episode that u either n'joy or makes u suffocate brings out an xpression...

" i wish i could be forever imprisoned in nature n be in love wid it frevr n evr..."

Muanthang Tungnung said...

Quite an impressive amount of informations there. "imagination too is schizophrenic" I like this lines. BTW I still hate the spellings....

Rigzin Namgyal said... old habits die has become a habit fr me writin like dis..ll try to do wht u keep on sayin..
..imagination really is schizophrenic..either der is birth of 'invisible fears' or 'fruits of creativity'..ryte nw my mind is oscillating between d extremes of both..hehehehe.. ;)
..thnaks fr ur comment ..muan!!!..

Rigzin Namgyal said...

@doctor...dats great!!!!.. gettin imprisoned in nature..dat way am sure u wont envy anymore every butterfly dat flies free..d flower dat basks in sun..wont envy anymore d moon dat sleeps in peace..hehehehe :)

Anonymous said...

yeah dats gonna be a perfect date wid nature..;)

Rigzin Namgyal said...

.fr tht u wud ve to wait fr sum more sure ur dream ll come true..n u l ve a perfect tete wid nature..n hold it ' captive '

Anonymous said...

yeah def...i just waitin fr those days to arrive...:)

aman said...

ohh its sooo deep...
wow!!!...d description is a plain truth neva captured soo beautifully!! too good!
huh..i dunno hw do u you do dat bt just wanna say ...keep doing dat..:)

Rigzin Namgyal said...

..dey can put out d lamps wer d lovers meet..
..but dey cannot blind d moon...amandeep..hehehehehe...
..des three sentences we can put in as many ways... it a writer n his work..poet n his poetry...lover n his love...a soldier n his country...or mr.kalmadi n his love fr inflating bills..n his new found romance wid d never ending new scandals..hehehehe..

..i m just tryin to say dat IMAGINATION cannot b kept captive...
..hey!!..thanks fr ur comment/... :) ;)

Rigzin Namgyal said...

..keep ur heart ' vagabond '..amandeep..
..a drifting vagabond one can hold it captive den...

Anonymous said...

Hey thank you for the wonderful article it had been genuinely useful , I hope you will just publish additional about this ! This topic rocks